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Welcome to the members section of my website where you are able to find out how many calories you should eat when trying to lose body fat and also how to break those calories down into grams of proteins, fats and carbs.

Simply enter your body weight and body fat percentage into the boxes and it will generate your dietary requirement numbers for fat loss.

There will be two options to choose from:

  • Option 1 is for people that have a sedentary job and burn less calories throughout the day away from the gym. (A good indicator of this can be how many steps you do per day. If you never reach over 12,000 steps in a single day then choose this option)

  • Option 2 is for people that have physically demanding jobs and regularly have a high step count. Having a weekly average of over 12,000 would be considered high. 

Just remember not all steps are equal. Carrying things around a building site will be more demanding than a slow stroll around the office!

If you are in doubt for which one to choose, start at option 2, monitor your progress and if you are not losing body fat after 3 weeks switch to option 1.

Body weight (kg)*

Body fat (%)*


Lean Body Mass:

LBM value

Fat Mass:

FM value

Daily Calorie and Macronutrient Targets option 1;

(Sedentary job / Less than 12k steps a day)





M1 value

Protein value

Fat value

Carb value

Daily Calorie and Macronutrient Targets option 2;

(More than 12k step average per day)





M2 value

Protein value

Fat value

Carb value

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